What to do when you are sick

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Refer to https://intranet.hu-berlin.de/pages/tarifbeschaeftigte/apps/wiki/arbeitsunfaehigkeit-2/list/view/deb719be-c508-48a6-ae92-8ac9f3d5b89b

As soon as possible, on the first day you cannot work, send an email to: krank-gesund.lewi@hu-berlin.de - mention: Surname, First name, Institute -. Please also inform Serenella and Matthew. When you start working again, notify the same email address.

After 3 days of sick leave, you must go to the doctor and get a note.

Send a copy of the doctor note (Krankschreibung), you will also need to send it per mail to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät Haushalt/Personal Invalidenstr. 42 10115 Berlin