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Welcome to the FONDA Wiki!

This is the internal wiki for members of SFB 1404, FONDA, and affiliated researchers. Our website is where you can find information about our work, as well as recent news and public events.

If you are a FONDA member and you need login information, contact Tobias Price ( Please provide your name, project in FONDA, PI, and (for HU students/employees) HU-Berlin login name.

Main Structure:

Getting Started

This is where we collect useful on-boarding information (mailing lists, calendars, links to other organizational tools).


Here you will find a list of our recent events, along with links to the pages used for planning and suggesting additional events.


FONDA graduate students are automatically members of our Integrated Research Training Group. Here you can find links to the events organized for the IRTG, as well as information regarding thesis advisory committees (TACs).

Fellows and Fellowships

Our Mercator Fellows plan several short research visits (1-2 weeks) each year.

We have additional fellowship opportunities available for students and postdocs nominated by FONDA members.

Teams and Collaborations

In FONDA we have 9 Teams dedicated to combining expertise from our different subprojects. Teams 1-5 were part of phase I, teams 6-9 are ongoing. These pages can be used to share information/link tools needed to facilitate these collaborations.

Additional collaborations on cross-cutting topics are also listed here.

Research Data Management

Each subproject is responsible for making plans for managing the data and software artifacts generated in the course of research.


How-to tutorials for accessing our clusters, hardware specifications, and other information about resources available from FONDA

Promotion Material

Logos, templates, style guide, and how to cite FONDA/DFG funding.


Group photos and other shared media