AG Strukturforschung / Elektronenmikroskopie:ChristmasParty24
Aus AG Strukturforschung / Elektronenmikroskopie
Christmas Party on December 19, 2024 in the Denklabor
Name | I will bring ... |
Christoph | non-alk. Drinks + Raclette Grill + Raclette-Cheese + Potatoes + Corn + Pinapple |
Tolga | Kisir |
Holm | Hand-made cookies, coffee, milk, mandarins |
Kristiane | mini-buns with spicy cream cheese |
Ines | Dates wrapped in bacon + vegetables |
Marion | Dresdner Christstollen |
Johannes | Crate of beer/beer-mix (Radler, alcohol-free), apple & orange juice, Kaiserschmarrn with applesauce |
Zdravko | Lübecker Edel Marzipan |
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