Using quartzy new
From Larkum Lab
Quartzy Lab Ordering Guide
Overview: Quartzy is our primary tool for all lab ordering activities. Each ordered item undergoes a lifecycle, from request to placement in its designated location. Quartzy serves key purposes in our lab:
1. Centralized Purchase Request Organization: We consolidate all purchase requests in Quartzy, ensuring visibility for all lab members.
2. Communication Hub for Ordering: Quartzy is our central platform for ordering communication. Communicate with Oded and others, and attach all paperwork and notes relevant to the purchase within Quartzy.
3. Real-Time Budget Tracking: We evaluate our spending against the budget in real time with Quartzy.
4. Inventory Management: Quartzy helps manage our inventory by listing all arrived items.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I add a new purchase request (PR)?
A: Yes, anyone with a Quartzy user account can. Contact Oded Kruchik or Albert Gidon if you don’t have one.
Q: Must all orders go through Quartzy?
A: Yes, Quartzy is mandatory for all lab orders.
Q: What should I check before adding a new PR?
A: Before creating a PR, ensure:
- The item isn’t already in the lab.
- The item hasn’t been ordered already (check Quartzy).
- Proper market research has been done to save costs.
Q: How do I post a PR?
- Choose your item from our supplier list.
- Provide an accurate item title from the supplier’s website, including unique identifiers. No generic names.
- Fill in the “Request” section of the Quartzy form properly.
- Use the CAS number for specific chemicals in Quartzy notes.
- For other items, see past purchase requests as a reference.
Q: What if my supplier isn’t listed?
A: Obtain a sales quote. For items over 500 €, gather three quotes from different suppliers. Attach all quotes to your order request. Write which one you prefer and why.
Q: Who approves my PR?
A: Your supervisor. Only after their approval will the lab manager consider the request.
Q: Why do I need to approve my PR?
A: That is how we ensure at least two pairs of eyes are looking at every purchase request. Please explain the necessity of the item to the approver.
Q: How do I check my PR status? A: Review Quartzy comments first. Then, check for a PR number assigned by the lab manager in Quartzy’s PO field. Lastly, use the link (will be provided soon) with your PR number to track your order.
Q: How to add an “urgent” PR?
A: An urgent PR is a standard PR with an assignment “urgent” tag. It requires a specific date (without the date, it will be difficult to prioritize your order) . Note that the lab manager won’t double-check these before ordering so “urgent” PR requires more responsibility on your side.
Q: How do I speed up my PR process?
A: Using the preferred supplier list streamlines the ordering process.
Q: What if there’s a delay in my PR after it was ordered?
A: Delays can arise if:
- The PR is approved but not ordered.
- A PR number from Humboldt is missing in the notes.
- The supplier’s notes have an approved PR number. For delays, please contact the appropriate person or department.
Q: How should I communicate via Quartzy?
A: Use “@” to mention individuals in your Quartzy PR comments. To clarify PR details, the lab manager may ask you for clarifications (you will get an email about it).
Q: What if the lab manager is away, and I have an urgent PR?
A: During the lab manager’s absence, only urgent requests from the supplier list will be processed. Contact Albert Gidon or Julia Ledderose directly for such cases.
Supplier list
Computers/electro/technical equipment
Office equipment:
First aid, hygiene, protective gear